Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Livingstone and Stanley

Well, our trip to Africa got off to a slightly slow start when our plane was cancelled. Instead of leaving at 5:00 in the morning we ended up going at 5 in the evening, spending a night in Amsterdam and then flying to Dar es Salaam in money morning. However there was one upside, in that we were ugraded to first class and so had steak for lunch.
We arrived in Tanzania at 10:30 and had to batter a taxi ride from the airport to where we were staying. A place called the Luther Guest house. Unfortunately on getting onto the taxi, the driver was unable to start it and we had to have a push so that he could jump start the car. Welcome back to Africa.
Our room was small with two beds, a desk and a wardrobe. We also had an onswuit toilet and shower, although the only thing separating them from the room was frosted glass. So you could see everything in outline.
On wednesday we boarded the Scandinavia bus which took us on an eight hour ride from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, where we are staying with some German missionaries. Yesterday we went for a walk through the bush on the outskirts of town and were told that a hyena had been seen there recently. needless to say, dad and I decided that, since it was getting dark, it was probably best to head back to the house.
Today we are resting in Dodoma before boarding the train tonight across Tanzania to Kigoma on lake Tanganyika.
Unfotunately my timer in the internet cafe is running out so I'll have to go. I'll come back and tidy up this post in a couple of days, and hopefully give more info then.

Facts so far:
Distance travelled - 600 km
Mosquitos killed - 2 (+1 bedbug)
Hot showers had - 0


At 1:16 AM, Blogger Claire Fayers said...

Hi Chris,
Great to hear from you - and thanks especially for the mental image of you and your Dad in frosted glass outline. I shall treasure it. Look forward to the next installment!

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Phillip Fayers said...

I don't know about treasuring the image. I'm still trying to eradicate it from my head. Outlines of Chris or Pete are not the kind of things I want in my imagination early on a Thursday morning.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris
I'm following your progress with great interest, though I'm too old for comments about frosted glass. We missed you in Youth Club last night your disciplinary self was needed!!!! Hurry up with the next instalment.

At 6:23 AM, Blogger David Williamson said...

The frosted glass thing makes me think of the opening titles of a James Bond film. However, I always imagined you'd be on the top of a cable car rather than an alluring dancer, but that's showbusiness.

What are you reading as your travel? Did the Luther guesthouse have the lots of notes nailed to the doors?

I hear Cream played at the CIA on Thursday in a surprise gig but due to a dodgy fruit salad Clapton had to drop out and one of the stewards had to step in as guitarist. Ah, the irony!

Looking forward to hearing the next chapters of your adventure! Give Eli a hug when you see him!


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